Monday Funday: The great chicken crisis — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: The great chicken crisis


Finger-flippin content

Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last week – or you’re a self-sufficient vegan – you will no doubt have heard about the KFC chicken crisis, which led to almost half the fast food chain’s restaurants being closed.

The Colonel’s food giant had an issue with its chicken suppliers, leaving restaurants empty – and forcing livestock everywhere to re-examine why they might need to cross the road.

In the midst of the madness, it turned out that ‘banter’ can join sausage rolls and cut-price oven chips on the long list of reasons that mums go to Iceland. The frozen food supermarket fired a couple of shots at KFC, erecting this ice cold banner outside an unnamed branch.

A smart move from the frozen food retailers, turning one brand’s loss into their own personal gain.

Clucking Hell

So KFC was in a spot of bother. They’d had to shut half their restaurants, lost a (finger lickin’) bucket load of profit and caused the kind of panic on the streets of Britain not witnessed since The Great Fog of 1952.

But then, in a stroke of editorial genius, the brand put the issue to bed by publishing this apology on their Twitter page. A simple rearrangement of the famous acronym led to laughs all over social media, with it being describing as the “perfect apology”. It just shows the power of well thought out, amusing content. Clucking hell.


From the ha-ha-harchives

This advert harks back to a simpler time when brands didn't need flashy guest stars, crude innuendo or special effects to be funny – they just needed a man with a comb-over. It also won ad of the century at Cannes in 1997. Respect.

For more great clips go to This poor guy just cannot get the timing correct.

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