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#UniteForParkinsons wins 'charity campaign' award

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Unite for Parkinson’s – which reached 12 million people across 180 different countries – has won the Best Charity Campaign 'highly commended' award in the Drum Network Awards.

The project was also shortlisted for two other industry awards: ‘Best Content Campaign’ at the Content Marketing Awards, and ‘Best Charity Campaign’ at the Drum Content Awards.

Our Parkinson’s Life editorial team planned and executed a content strategy for the campaign, after being appointed official media partner by Parkinson’s UK and the European Parkinson’s Disease Association.

They devised a powerful content strategy – which included a 24-hour social media plan, special campaign e-shots and 10 pieces of tailor-made editorial content. The campaign connected on multiple channels with campaigners globally, garnered support from leading influencers and politicians – including Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull – and trended on Twitter on World Parkinson’s Day.

Paul Williams, Speak Media Director, said: “Unite for Parkinson’s was a great success for the team here. A lot of hard work was put in, but it’s all worth it when you see the millions of people that the campaign resonated with.

"To be recognised for these achievements with an award and two nominations is a great honour, and a testament to all the work by the Parkinson's Life team at Speak Media, and our partners at the EPDA and PUK.”

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