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Images of the Month (January)


We look back at our favourite images of the month of January

Dancing in Malta

This snap is of professional dancer Natalie Muschamp caught in her element at ‘Step Up for Parkinson’s’ in Malta, where she teaches free classes to people with the condition. We interviewed Natalie for our online magazine Parkinson’s Life and found out how she’s helping to tackle stigma around Parkinson’s.

Tintin heads east

Lunch time strolls are never boring in Shoreditch’s graffiti-filled streets. We spotted this amazing mural on our search for a Tesco meal deal – and by the looks of it, Tintin’s been caught in the act! We’ve got tonnes more arty snippets like this one over on our Twitter – follow the hashtag #LifeinE1 to get your fix.


Generation Z

We sent our trusty snappers down to Barclays’ fifth annual New Frontiers conference in Greenwich to photograph this inspiring panel of Generation Z entrepreneurs. From starting a business at the age of just 14 to winning a Queen’s Award for Enterprise, their stories prove there’s more to Gen Z than taking selfies.