Monday Funday: dance to the dildo — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: dance to the dildo


Sexy content

Ok this is weird. But it’s also funny, innovative and memorable – and that’s the holy trinity for creatives. To highlight its new partnership with Ann Summers, spotty-teen favourite Porn Hub has composed an electro track using only the buzzing and jingling of sex toys. Stop laughing at the back.

Remember everyone, sex sells. And now also plays music, apparently.

Only a game?

Who scored? Who got the assist? Why do I lie awake at night thinking about Huddersfield Town’s reserve goalkeeper? If like MF you’re a fantasy football fanatic, you’ll know what we’re on about.

It’s a past-time that’s meant to be a bit of fun, but for many of us armchair pundits, it’s become all-consuming. And our friends across the pond are similarly addicted if these video send-ups by Fan Duel – featuring ESPN reporter Adam Schefter – are anything to go by.

From the ha-ha-harchives

This John Smith’s ad from 1983 is a delight to watch both for its simplicity and the thought of the guy crouching behind the bar holding the dog. As one nostalgic YouTube viewer recalls: “I loved this ad growing up. It made me start drinking bitter and buy a terrier.” Proof that in rare instances, brand content can change changed people’s lives – not always for the better, though.

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