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Monday Funday: laughing all the way to the bank


Traditionally, Mondays aren’t something that we associate with laughter. But then again, Monday Funday said the same thing about James Corden, and Liverpool’s defence, and look at them now, providing hours of comedy gold for a global audience.

Try something new

Trying new things can be scary, like giving a presentation at work, skydiving, or daring to tell a northern colleague that you think the weather’s a bit “chilly”.

First Direct taps into this idea with its new campaign entitled ‘Try Something New’, offering new customers £100 towards an activity that takes them outside their comfort zone.

As part of its social media campaign, the UK bank has released a string of funny videos, fronted by comedy actor Diane Morgan, focusing on a character trying wacky activities such as pram yoga, acupuncture and falconry.

Monday Funday is thinking of taking First Direct up on its generous offer, and sitting through a Test cricket match without a 24-pack of lager.


The dinner table’s for eating, not tweeting – that’s the essential message in a new campaign from US non-profit Common Sense Media encouraging parents not to spend too much time on their smartphones.

The ad spots show children grieving for the loss of their father, only to reveal fictional dad Will Ferrell at the end of the table – paying about as much attention to his children as Jeremy Corbyn does to Dianne Abbott.

Lord knows, the world needs more selfies…

Selfies are like Coldplay: no one admits that they like them, yet they seem to pop-up everywhere.

German football giant Bayern Munich is taking advantage of the monstrous, millennial creation by introducing an augmented reality feature on the club’s app, allowing fans to take a selfie with star players, no matter where they are in the world.

Arsenal will be hoping to take advantage of the new feature, beaming their current batch of underperformers into the Champions League.