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Monday Funday: pasta la vista


Bears in the boardroom 

Database app FileMaker has given us a newfound understanding of the term ‘innovation’ this week.

The brand’s latest ad campaign, titled ‘Innovation without the hype’, sees a man bun toting young professional teach his colleagues the art of body language in business.  

Watch as a room full of corporates revel in the opportunity to pretend to be a bunch of wild, hungry bears. Not that innovative … we do it every lunchtime here at Speak.

Every parent’s nightmare 

Pasta sauce brand and permanent cupboard lodger Dolmio is known for its heart-warming, authentically Italian animated ads. Who hasn’t asked “Whensa your Dolmio day?” in a terrible Italian accent?  

The brand’s newest campaign, titled ‘The Battle of Dinnertime’, is a little different. In a scene that resembles something out of Game of Thrones, parents and children square up to settle the ultimate score: what time dinner should take place.

There are tears, tantrums and toy guns – with peace being restored by a juicy bowl of Dolmio.

One from the ha-ha-harchives

You may well spot a theme this week as we venture back to 1969 for this cheesy ad from painkiller Alka-Seltzer’s.

One poor actor is fed plate – after plate, after plate – of pasta as he tries and fails to get his lines right for a fictitious ad.

However – and Monday Funday isn’t fully convinced of the science behind this – he takes one Alka-Seltzer and he’s good to go. “Mumma Mia!”

Roisin McCormack