Monday Funday: the world’s worst coffee — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: the world’s worst coffee


(Coffee) shots fired

What do you do when a customer leaves you a scathing TripAdvisor review? Own it and use it to your commercial advantage, of course.

This cafe owner took the expression “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” to a new level, taking a not-so-complimentary TripAdvisor review and turning it into a unique selling point. A masterclass in turning a negative into a positive, it’s already making waves on social media.


The sitcom Colonel

It’s a return to these pages for an old favourite, fast-food giant KFC. In this cheesy one minute spot the infamous Colonel personally delivers chicken to a family of four – and ends up staying way past dinner.

Next thing you know the cream-suited veteran is doing the ironing, rustling up the kids’ tea and spending quality time with his adopted family – like some kind of chicken-chomping Nanny McPhee. It’s good to have him back.

From the ha-ha-harchives

This 2008 Bud Light “Swear Jar” ad sees an office descend into ‘bleeping’ madness.

Employees are told that once the newly introduced swear jar is full, the money will be used to buy “something for the office…like a case of Bud Light or something”.

These employees certainly aren’t watching their ‘Ps and Qs’ – more like their ‘Fs and yous’ – charging around the office with mouths so potty they’d make Gordon Ramsay blush.

Roisin McCormack