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‘Tis the season: Can you solve these festive brain teasers?


Are you ready for a festive challenge? Sit down with a box of chocolates and take on these Christmas brain teasers created by our head of content. Solve these cryptic clues for the chance to win a £50 John Lewis voucher.

At Speak Media, we love a good word game – whether it is challenging ourselves to a content-themed quiz or trying to beat Wordle every day ­– and we know you do too.

Back for a second year, George Theohari, head of content, has created a 12-part festive cryptic clues challenge for our friends and followers to complete. It is sure to keep you busy this Christmas season.

Each person that sends in a completed set of correct answers by 12pm (GMT) Friday, 23 December 2022, will be entered into our free prize draw – and the winner will receive a £50 John Lewis voucher. See further rules below.

The clues

(We’ll give you a hint: the last letter of each answer will provide you with the first letter of the next solution).

  1. Cut top off can, before adding pomade for blissful being (5)

  2. Dodgy sleigh, with everything missing and total added, to brighten the room (5)

  3. Scrambling rodents will light the way (4)

  4. Admit Rosie whichever way you can to discover what’s on this Christmas (5-5)

  5.  Conventional fling’s ending is a good place to stuff #6 (8)

  6. Gabriel’s top fits strangely into tokens (5)

  7. Tables muddled is home to livestock (6)

  8. Duel fuel, in part, can be a real helper around this time of year (3)

  9. Wrap up warm in animal skins, it’s said, if you’re looking for conifers (4)

  10. Kill Santa’s ride, I hear? (6)

  11. Spiritual with added love can feel spiky (5)

  12. Might be Ole Ugly, but can taste real sweet (4-3)

Terms and conditions

To enter the competition, send your answers to stating your full name and email address, with the subject line ‘cryptic clues’. Entries received after the closing date will not be considered. 

The closing date for all competition entries is 12pm (GMT) Friday, 23 December 2022.  

Only one entry will be permitted per person. Bulk entries made by third parties will not be permitted. 

The winning entrant will be the first correct entry drawn randomly from all the correct entries after the closing date. 

The winner will be notified within 28 days of the close of the competition by email. If the winner cannot be contacted or fails to respond within 28 days of such notification being sent, Speak Media reserves the right to offer the prize to a runner-up or re-offer the prize in any future promotion.

Sarah McGrath