Speak Media

In the press

Marketing and PR industry press coverage, featuring articles about Speak Media’s team, achievements and services

In the press

Press coverage about Speak Media’s team, achievements and services


PRCA: Maintaining the invisible force of agency life

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In an article written for the PRCA, Speak Media’s managing editor, Laura Smith, shared insights from the agency’s annual values walk and discussed how to maintain office culture while teams are working remotely.

Reflecting on “six months of working from home and seeing each other’s faces solely on our laptop screens”, Laura outlined some of ways agencies are approaching workplaces in the new normal, and highlighted how the Speak team has adapted – from team training, to taking the weekly tradition of Friday beers to Zoom.

She wrote: “The last few months have been hugely challenging for everyone, but they have also made us reflect on what we value about our agency in a whole new way. We've supported each other through house moves and bereavement. We've packed up our studio space in boxes and committed to home working for the foreseeable. We've welcomed new team members and held virtual leaving dos. We've even had a goat called Brett (I kid you not) join our Monday morning traffic meet.  

“We've also got to know each other, and our clients, in a whole new way – it's hard not to when dogs make unscheduled appearances on Zoom or people are attending meetings from their child’s bedroom. And through it all, we've become an even more streamlined, lean operation.”

 You can read the full article here.

Saskia Mair