Parkinson’s Life named media partner for #UniteForParkinsons global campaign — Speak Media



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Parkinson’s Life named media partner for #UniteForParkinsons global campaign


Parkinson’s Life online magazine – produced by Speak on behalf of the European Parkinson’s Disease Association (EPDA) – has been named as the media partner for the #UniteForParkinsons campaign.

The campaign, launched this week by the EPDA and Parkinson’s UK – two of the world’s biggest Parkinson’s charities – marks 200 years since the birth of Dr James Parkinson, the surgeon who first identified the illness.

As part of the awareness-raising initiative, the hashtag #UniteForParkinsons will be used across social media to encourage people to share their stories, educating and inspiring others across the globe.

Parkinson’s Life, launched in spring 2015, publishes important, relevant content to a highly engaged, loyal readership. In 2016 it was recognised with a British Medical Association ‘patient information’ award.

George Theohari, Editorial Director at Speak Media, said: “Parkinson’s Life has a significant reach within the Parkinson’s community, making it the perfect platform for content that supports the #UniteForParkinsons campaign. Our editorial team is very proud to be able to play its part in raising unprecedented levels of awareness as part of this landmark campaign, and of course we’re delighted to be partnering with such respected voices as the EPDA and Parkinson’s UK.”

Speak Media has a history of working with Parkinson’s-related causes and organisations, including the global, multi-stakeholder initiative ‘My PD Journey‘.