Broadcaster John Stapleton backs #UniteForParkinsons 2018
Today (11 April) is World Parkinson’s Day and our Parkinson’s Life team – as the official media partner for #UniteForParkinsons – has been producing a range of powerful online stories to help fuel the awareness-raising campaign.
To mark the day itself, we’re sending out a special #UniteForParkinsons e-newsletter to our 5,000+ subscribers, leading with an exclusive interview with broadcaster John Stapleton, whose mother died from the disease.
Over the last few weeks, in the build-up to WPD, we’ve also heard from people whose relatives have lived with Parkinson’s about how the condition has shaped them – and what advice they have for others in a similar position.
The leaders of the Parkinson’s Foundation, one of the biggest Parkinson’s charities in the world, also outlined their vision for ‘destigmatising’ Parkinson’s, and members of the international Parkinson’s community told us why they will #UniteForParkinsons on 11 April by holding placards with heartfelt messages.
Stay tuned to the Parkinson’s Life Twitter and Facebook feeds today for more #UniteForParkinsons news and features.