Monday Funday: what do you hate?
Like what you hate
In a daring – and perhaps controversial – bid to counteract the echo chamber effects of social media, Vice Denmark has dared Facebook users to like posts they hate.
The magazine’s 70-second campaign film – ‘Like What You Hate’ – features a video montage footage of hate figures such as the Ku Klux Klan.
The young female voiceover drawls: “Imagine if you started to ‘Like’ what you hate? Started liking pages, people, politicians, religious groups, news sources and organisations you hate. Even those you f****** hate.”
Monday Funday is off to try it now with Sunday nights, paying to use the toilet and stuffy Northern Line commutes.
"Racism needs your help"
How do you tackle a problem like everyday racism, while fending off the usual ‘shoulder-shrugging’ response from people who should know better? Kiwi director Taika Waititi, who fronts this video campaign by the New Zealand Human Rights Commission, takes on the challenge with immense irony, deadpan delivery, and a side-splittingly funny script. For the good of humanity – and LoL-ers everywhere – let’s hope this one goes viral.
From the ha-ha-ha-rchives
Every week we trawl the dark recesses of YouTube to find you something branded and funny from yesteryear. This week, it’s Guinness' evergreen ad 'The Swimmer', directed by Jonathan Glazer (Sexy Beast). It's a tale of idealism and brotherly skulduggery in a picturesque Italian village.