Images of the Month (June)
We look back at our favourite images of the month of June
‘My album was an excuse to talk to my mother about Parkinson’s’
The first snap in our roundup of June images features Canadian musician Joseph Shabason in a serene field of flowers, photographed by Colin Medley. In a poignant interview with Parkinson’s Life magazine, Joseph told us how a frank conversation with his mother about her Parkinson’s inspired the creation of his album Anne.
Picture this: seven years of award-winning content
We adorned our content agency wall with photos celebrating seven years of our award-winning content. From sporting legends like Frank Lampard and Alex Scott, to sidewalk shots in the Big Apple – read the story behind each stunning item on the photo wall here.
World Parkinson Congress 2019: the travels of ‘Twitchy Woman’
This snap is of US blogger Sharon Krischer (second from left) posing with fellow campaigners and a mascot at the World Parkinson Congress in Kyoto, Japan, which we covered in our online magazine Parkinson’s Life.
With over 3000 people from 55 countries present at the conference, Sharon shared an adventure-packed week featuring expert discussions, interviews with vloggers and Parkinson’s inspired films.
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