Leadership advice from one of the world’s most successful football managers — Speak Media



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Leadership advice from one of the world’s most successful football managers


In the latest in our regular ‘Leading Questions’ series for the Barclays corporate site we interview Eric Najib, Manager of Stonewall FC – the world’s most successful gay football team.

In the filmed interview, Eric reflects on his own experiences as a leader – from the highs of winning the Gay World Cup to the lows of dropping close friends from the squad — and how he takes inspiration from his hero Sir Alex Ferguson.

Eric discusses the challenges of leading a football team that wants to both be competitive and provide a home for members of the community. “We want Stonewall FC to be a place that gay players can enjoy their football, regardless of ability. So for us it’s about finding the best way of being competitive, but also having a club where everyone is able to play. It’s my job to make the whole jigsaw puzzle fit.”

You can read the full interview here.