Monday Funday: take it to the grave — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: take it to the grave


Cradle to grave welfare: Irn-Bru

This classy coffin was recently spotted in the window of a funeral home in Scotland, the spiritual and quite literal home of Irn-Bru. It appears die-hard Irn-Bru fans can now purchase these drop-dead gorgeous coffins for a mere £280.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you know you’ve made it — when your customers are literally taking your product to the grave.

Take your seat

Just when you thought the football frenzy was over and normal drinking hours had resumed, the new football season begins — and with it comes a heart-warming, whimsical ad from Sky.

This ad sees thousands of Brits fighting their way to a stadium, armchairs in tow — and with the imperative to ‘take your seat’ — never has being a couch potato been more acceptable.

One from the ha-ha-harchives…

All actors have to start somewhere. This 1990s spot features a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Martin Freeman taking on the role of a sneaky dad for Batchelors Super Noodles. And what can we learn from this ad? When in doubt — blame it on the baby.

Roisin McCormack