Monday Funday: burgers, beers and Jaffa Cakes — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: burgers, beers and Jaffa Cakes


I can’t believe it’s not… Ghee?

If you’re looking for a cheesy start to the week then prepare to be buttered up with this spot that’s been spreading across YouTube, Instagram and Twitter… Monday Funday can’t get enough of these dairy-related puns, we’re on a roll!

In this one-minute clip from dairy manufacturer Organic Valley, the brand comically – and not so subtly – hijacks food influencer vlogs to promote its new product. Gheeeeeeee.


Cast your mind back to the year 1999. Tony Blair is in power, Notting Hill is in the cinema and school playgrounds everywhere echo with the legendary Budweiser catchphrase “Whassup”.

The tagline embedded itself in Western culture – appearing in The Simpsons, Friends and even a Thierry Henry goal celebration.

Being a 90s-loving millennial with a passion for annoying catchphrases, Monday Funday was delighted to see the return of the advert – with a surprise appearance from the Burger King himself.

From the ha-ha-harchives

With the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century expected this month there’s no better time to enjoy this classic Jaffa Cake spot from 1999.

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