Monday Funday: break the taboo — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: break the taboo


Dead funny

Death – it’s not something people usually like to talk about. Especially on the tube, when on the way to work in the morning.

Nevertheless, funeral comparison site Beyond took a gamble proposing this pun-tastic, light-hearted campaign to Transport for London. The brand wanted to plaster ad spots across London Underground stations offering “all inclusive”, “once-in-a-lifetime packages” featuring “roasting temperatures”.

Monday Funday applauds brands who try and break taboos to get their content noticed, but unfortunately this campaign may be looking for an undertaker of its own as TfL rejected the proposal due to fears of causing offence.

If this rain could talk

Monday Funday is sticking with TfL-themed content with this message spotted at a tube station in London.

Last week, most Brits were happy to see the rain – it gave their sunburn some recovery time, the petunias a new lease of life and the Pimm’s a day off – but there’s still something darkly comic (you could even stretch to ominous) about this persona devised by a mischievous train guard.

It’s a great example of creative, easily shareable content that gets social media talking.

One from the ha-ha-harchives…

This 1989 Heineken ad plays on classic elocution scenes from My Fair Lady, as a ‘Sloaney-sounding’ woman is painfully taught how to speak in cockney rhyming slang at the ‘School of Street Credibility’.

She frustratingly fails to do so – until her first sip of Heineken, where the truly transformative power of alcohol becomes clear.

Roisin McCormack