Monday Funday: singing in the shower — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: singing in the shower


No hard feelings

If you’ve been living under a rock for the last six weeks, the chances are you’ve still managed to watch 60-odd hours of Love Island – lord knows Monday Funday has.

Eagle-eyed viewers may have noticed a rather tongue-in-cheek ad from Viagra Connect, which happens to be the first of its kind to be shown on British TV, has been regularly appearing alongside the romance-fuelled reality TV show. Maybe we’re immature here at Speak HQ, but it made us chuckle.

Four minutes of fame

We all like a good sing-song in the shower, but, due to the heatwave battling Britain last week, charity WaterAid is suggesting we cut our shower-oke sessions down to a mere four minutes.

With that in mind, the brand has designed a special playlist to help us time our morning scrubs. There’s something for everyone, from Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’ to Baddiel and Skinner’s ‘Three Lions’.

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One from the ha-ha-harchives…

What scares us Brits most? Global warming? Our turbulent political climate? Making eye contact on the tube? WRONG.

It’s looking at yourself straight in the eyes and attempting to take an acceptable passport photo. In this quirky 1987 spot from Hamlet Cigars, Love Actually’s Gregor Fisher takes on the dreaded photobooth – hilarity ensues.

Roisin McCormack