Monday Funday: Christmas adverts — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: Christmas adverts


“Any chance of a pint…?”

The Scottish accent is one that you really pay attention to. Whether it’s Andy Gray instructing Premier League footballers to “take a bow”, or forgettable nineties police shows informing us that “there’s been a murder”, we can all agree there is something authoritative about the dialect north of the border.

The same is true for Scottish reindeer, or so Lager brand Tennent’s think anyway. In this short advert we are introduced to “Rude-olph”, an old school, no-nonsense, beer swigging reindeer full of sarcastic retorts.

Who’s your Daddy?

Brands are very careful when it comes to depicting religion. Many will choose to ignore the sensitive subject, while others touch on it lightly, taking care not to ruffle any feathers.

DNA testing company Home Paternity, however, has taken a slightly different approach – re-enacting the nativity on a Jerry-Springer-esque reality television show.

In an explosive four-minute clip, presented by fictional pot-stirrer “Shawn”, Joseph and Mary discuss baby Jesus’ immaculate conception – in front of a hostile TV audience.

Controversial? Perhaps, but also a shareable advert that will put Home Paternity at the heart of conversation this Christmas.

You know who your mates are..

We’ve all been there, well Monday Funday certainly has anyway. Queueing all night to get into a downmarket nightclub, only to be told by a power-hungry bouncer that your new pair of Air Max trainers won’t cut it on the dance floor.

Carling pushed that very idea in this ad released in 2007. Five pals are set to discover the universe’s “truth”, before realising one of them hasn’t read the dress code.

Who fancies paying for the long Uber home?

Tweet of the week

The customer is always right… but sometimes the customer is also a little too soppy – and needs to pull themselves together!

The Netflix marketing team has no problem telling its followers so, turning boring streaming statistics into a tongue-in-cheek tweet.

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