Monday Funday: Christmas is coming — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: Christmas is coming


NBA on Christmas Day

Monday Funday has never really understood basketball. In fact, as a general rule, any sport where the result gets close to double figures tends to be of little interest. So that rules out rugby, darts and watching Celtic in the Champions League.

What Monday Funday does understand, however, is intelligent, engaging content. And the marketing team at the National Basketball Association has certainly scored a three pointer –can you score more than three points? – with this campaign where big and burly NBA stars sit on Santa’s knee to let him know exactly what they want for Christmas.

Tweet of the week

Paddy Power is up to its old tricks, this time poking fun at the surprisingly high number of world class cyclists that suffer from asthma … you know who you are.

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From the ha-ha-harchives               

Sometimes funny means tightly written dialogue, nuanced characters and a farcical plot line. Sometimes it’s just a guy in a giant mouse suit exploding through a wall.

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