

The latest news and views from Speak's content team


Monday Funday: Gearing up for Carnival


The bank holiday weekend is upon us, which means it’s almost time for the legendary Notting Hill Carnival.

As Londoners will know, the carnival is a particularly high-risk weekend in the capital. Get it right and you’ll be dancing for two days, enjoying great food and even better music. But of course, if you get it wrong, you’ll lose everyone you’re with immediately, get penned into one street, and spend – a not at all exaggerated – 9 hours getting back home on public transport. Good luck.

As you look forward to the long weekend, enjoy these chortle-worthy pieces of content.

Oh God, Dad, not again

If you’re a Monday Funday regular, you’ll appreciate that we love dad jokes. Punbelievable, cringe heavy, unapologetic humour is what gets us through the week.

So we thoroughly enjoyed this heart-warming campaign from the HHS Administrations for Children and Families, which revolves around kids telling cheesy one-liners.

Why did the girl ask the mushroom to dance……Anybody?

Beer goggles

The content team at Corona must have been working nights to come up with this one. To mark today’s solar eclipse – where conveniently, the moon will cover the sun’s corona – the Mexican lager brand has issued an Instagram guide instructing followers on how to turn an empty Corona box into an eclipse-viewing camera. Watch the video here.

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Feeding the Trump

Now we try to stay away from the Donald, we really do, but he makes it far too easy for marketers. The Washington Post is the latest publication to make the most of Trump-hysteria, by creating a Twitter timeline that showcases exactly what the American President sees on his feed. Perhaps this will give an insight into his inaudible ramblings, obsession with walls or terrible hair. Enjoy.