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Monday Funday: get the laundry on


Ask Twice

This ad from health campaign Time to Change tackles the stigma surrounding mental health issues through some subtle humour … and a talking northern squirrel. You know, the obvious way. 

Watch as one guy – whilst trapped under a tree – tries to make out “he’s fine”. It’s an important topic, which the sport simultaneously approaches in both a light-hearted and serious way.

Takeaways from this ad? To always ask twice – and stay out of the woods.

Laundry day

Recognise this guy? The nudey one? That’s right, it’s Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ – one of the most celebrated sculptures of all time. For centuries, it’s been the western representative of the free-thinking philosopher. Until now.

Samsung’s clever ‘Modern Masterpieces’ campaign has revoked such a status, by plonking the sculpture in the middle of London beside a washing machine. The stunt nicely reiterates the campaign’s tagline: ‘built to last’. 

Was ‘The Thinker’ contemplating the meaning of life? Or was he simply deciding which cycle to use? Check out this neat campaign video and decide for yourself.

One from the ha-ha-harchives

US stink-repeller Old Spice have produced some sweeeeet-smelling ads in their time, and this one from 2010 – featuring Monday Funday royalty Terry Crews – is no exception. Tez is seriously passionate about odor blockage, ok?

Roisin McCormack