Monday Funday: pizza party — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: pizza party


Life Imitates Art

This new ad campaign from Amazon Prime, titled ‘Great Shows Stay With You’, creatively captures the unexpected side effects of a streaming binge. 

In this 60 second spot we see how life truly begins to imitate art for one young professional. The more episodes of ‘Vikings’ she racks up, the more she starts to express a newfound penchant for battle, bloodshed and pillaging. Makes sense. Here at Speak Towers we binged ‘Mad Men’ and now we’re award-winning copywriters.

DominKNOWS good marketing

Dominoes Russia ran a social media stunt last week called “Dominoes Forever”.  Yes, that’s right, Russians were quite literally offered pizza for life. The catch? You just had to permanently pledge your allegiance to Dominoes by tattooing the franchise’s logo onto your body.

The brand’s Russian outlets got social media buzzing with this ‘cheesy’ Facebook post, but soon had to cancel the offer as too many pizza-hungry fans took them up on the offer.

Marketing lesson here? Why stop at trying to get your logo on mere clothes? Just brand the bloody human!

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From the ha-ha-harchives 

Never have we come across such a hilariously relatable advert here at Speak Media.

This 2017 ad from Kinder Bueno, titled ‘Adulting’ celebrates those mundane accomplishments that tend to make millennials feel like they’ve got their lives together.  

We may not own a house or have any savings – but we have got piles of Tupperware, plants, bags for life, student debt – and we changed a lightbulb. With a funky, retro aesthetic and a catchy chorus, watch this ad to remind yourself that you’re not alone in those small, everyday victories.

Roisin McCormack