Monday Funday: superheroes and rebellious robots — Speak Media



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Monday Funday: superheroes and rebellious robots


“The Uniteds of Manchester”

Footy fans across the UK were in for quite a surprise this weekend as they settled down to watch this year’s FA Cup final. Instead of the usual fence-sitting ex-pro waffling on about the ‘magic’ of the tournament, the game was introduced by none other than Deadington Pool Smythe, the 12th Baron of Old Fortinghamshiringhamshire – or as you may know him, superhero Deadpool.

Unfortunately for Jose Mourinho, even the Ryan Reynolds character couldn’t save his side from a trophyless season.

Evelyn is done

When the film-makers in Hollywood depict a dystopian future it usually ends with us poor old humans being enslaved by an army of power hungry robots who’ve turned the tables on their masters. Of course, marketeers – by-and-large an optimistic bunch – take a more light-hearted approach, and those at US telecommunications company Sprint see a future where the bots are very much on our side.

As part of the brand’s ‘The Super Intelligent Mission Campaign’, a gang of hardworking robots down tools in the name of progress.

From the ha-ha-harchives

This early noughties ad from shoe brand Clarks will be especially LoL-some to anyone who, like Monday Funday, has had to spend a fair bit of time in Preston, north-west England. If you’ve not experienced it for yourself, let’s just say – in spite of its many charms – it’s not the first place that springs to mind at the mention of ‘Parisian chic’.

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