Speak Media helps “forward-looking” Barclays improve its Bowen Craggs Online Excellence ranking — Speak Media



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Speak Media helps “forward-looking” Barclays improve its Bowen Craggs Online Excellence ranking


Barclays has moved up five places to 21st in the latest Index of Online Excellence compiled by Bowen Craggs – the most comprehensive survey of major companies that are performing best in digital.

The improved ranking in the hotly-contested global list –  which takes into account all online comms channels including websites, mobile and social media – is further recognition of the impact that Speak’s Content Works partnership with Barclays has had on the banking group’s corporate website (home.barclays) and key social channels, including LinkedIn.

The 2018 Index, which is published in the Financial Times, Forbes and other publications around the world, shows Barclays moving up from 26th to 21st place globally. The bank is also the 5th highest-ranked UK company.

The Bowen Craggs report scores the bank’s online presence particularly highly in terms of content quality and relevance for key corporate audiences – citing “strong design and structure, with a home page that promotes the bank as forward looking”.

home.barclays news landing page

Latest analytics show homepage visits and session time on home.barclays are up by 11% while the Group LinkedIn page has gained more than 100,000 followers with engagement at 4x industry average since our partnership began.

Following the 2017 Digital Impact Award for ‘best corporate website’, the improved Bowen Craggs ranking provides further evidence of the effectiveness of the editorial approach that has guided our work – ever since we embarked on a website redesign and strategic content review with Barclays’ corporate communications team in late 2016.