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A high quality editorial platform for Coutts Wealth Quarterly


Coutts Wealth Quarterly

Speak Media bring a wealth of editorial knowledge to the table. They are committed to delivering high-quality publications and have provided excellent support and advice.
— Rupa Sudra, associate director of communications at Coutts

the challenge

We were asked to develop Coutts Wealth Quarterly into a high-quality editorial platform that would publish both business and customer stories across print and digital channels – while also fuelling both internal and external stakeholder communications.



what we did

Our team devised and developed a number of regular feature ideas to engage and inform employees, including ‘We Work Together’, ‘Client Confidential’, ‘The Knowledge’ (CPD), ‘How I Got to Where I Am’ and ‘City’.

These editorial ideas – many of which feature first-person accounts by staff representing different roles and geographical locations across the Group – encouraged staff to participate in the creation of Wealth Quarterly.



the outcome

The result was a distinctive, illustration-led look and feel, communicating the core values of the global brand.

The multi-channel magazine was packed with original feature ideas that focused on employee engagement and shared pride; working partnerships within the diverse community; celebrating successes with first-person accounts and sharing knowledge.

Audience engagement exceeded all targets, with the publication earning a 98% reader approval rating in an online survey.

The flagship print title went on to win an Institute of Internal Communications ‘Award of Excellence’.

Rupa Sudra, associate director of marketing & communications at Coutts, commented: “Speak Media bring a wealth of editorial knowledge to the table. They are committed to delivering high-quality publications and have provided excellent support and advice.”